Hints & Solutions

Below is a complete list of hints and solutions to the puzzles contained in “THE UNFINISHED CAMPAIGN”

There is a drop-down for each page, as well as the overall approach you should be taking. Each one goes from general pointers to more specific hints, followed by the solution. The “complete solution” section gives the answers to everything!

Here be spoilers!

  • Start with pages 1 (“It’s a tale as old as time.”) and 2 (with the six circles)

    You are trying to identify a ritual circle, one of the six on page two.

    Spread across the other pages there are five puzzles. The solution to each will instruct you to draw a specific line. Bring these five lines together and you will have drawn one of these circles.

    Eight of the pages contain part of the curve of the circle. Lay them out to form the outline of the ritual circle. The solutions to five puzzles spread across the remaining pages will each tell you to connect two specific points, words or marks somewhere along the line.

    To lay the circle out, start at the top and work your way clockwise from:

    • 5. Encounter plans (Doodles)

    • 8. Random quotes (Curved text: “Should we maybe consider…”)

    • 6. Character sheet (Dragon, vine & sword)

    • 10. HP Tracker (Torn edge)

    • 7. Stat blocks (Gap between blocks of text)

    • 9. Backgrounds (Coffee stain)

    • 4. Map (Coastline)

    • 3. Random table (“Hearthfire GM Resources” Watermark)

  • This page isn’t part of any specific puzzle, it’s here for context.

  • One of these 6 circles is the overall solution. There are no specific puzzles or clues here.

    If you would like to check whether you have the right one, see “Complete Solution” below or head to [link]

  • This table won’t get you anywhere on its own, it's connected to another page.

    This page is connected to page 8, Random quotes.

    Note that some of the entries on the table start with weird letters “Zig-zagging goblins… X-Ray goggles”

    Each of the quotes relates to an entry in the table.


    Connect each quote to an entry in the table, take the first letter from each entry, and work through the quotes in order to spell out:

    “Link tip and beach”

    “Tip” is the tip of the sword on page 6, Character sheet. “Beach” is next to Beachtown on page 4, Map.

  • This map won’t get you anywhere on its own, it's connected to another page.

    This page is connected to page 7, Stat blocks.

    You need to draw two shapes on the map.


    The flight path of the Red Lord Dragon (on page 7, Stat blocks) draws an arrow pointing to Castleport.

    Connecting the places where each of the other monsters are encountered, in increasing order of difficulty, spells out the number 49.

    Draw a line between Castleport on this page, and the number 49 on page 3, random table.

  • These notes won’t get you anywhere on their own, they’re connected to another page.

    This page is connected to page 6, Character sheet.

    The important thing here is the skill checks, and the order they are written in each encounter.

    Note that each skill has a letter next to it in the character sheet where there would usually be a number.


    Working through the skills in each encounter, writing down the letter next to that skill on the character sheet, spells out:

    “Connect obelisk to square”

    The word “obelisk” is on page 8, random quotes. The square is on page 7, stat blocks.

  • This sheet won’t get you anywhere on its own, it's connected to another page.

    This page is connected to page 5, Encounter plans.

    The important thing here is that each skill has a letter attached to it, the rest is flavour.


    Working through the skills in each encounter with the relevant letter on the character sheet spells out:

    “Connect obelisk to square”

    The word “obelisk” is on page 8, random quotes. The square is on page 7, stat blocks.

  • These stat blocks won’t get you anywhere on their own, they’re connected to another page.

    This page is connected to page 4, Map.

    All the stat blocks are connected, except for the Red Lord Dragon which is doing its own thing.


    When drawn on the map the flight path of the Red Lord Dragon makes an arrow pointing to Castleport.

    Connecting the places where each of the other monsters are encountered on the map, in order of difficulty, spells out the number 49.

    Draw a line between Castleport on page 4, Map and the number 49 on page 3, random table.

  • This list of quotes won’t get you anywhere on its own, it's connected to another page.

    This page is connected to page 3, Random table.

    Each of the quotes relates to an entry in the table.


    Connect each quote to an entry in the table, take the first letter from each entry, and work through the quotes in order to spell out:

    “Link tip and beach”

    “Tip” is the tip of the sword on page 6, Character sheet. “Beach” is next to Beachtown on page 4, Map.

  • This page is self-contained, you don’t need anything else to solve it.

    The note at the bottom is important: “connect what recurs”

    The ink blot over the word “blot” in CLERIC is there to draw attention to it.


    The word blot appears in every background in the same position. The same goes for another word.

    “Consider” also appears in the same position in each background (sometimes “considered” or “consideration.)

    Draw a line from the blot on this page, to “consider” on page 8, Random quotes.

  • This page is self-contained, you don’t need anything else to solve it.

    On an HP tracker the number at the top of each column is how many hit points a monster has at the start of a fight. Every time it gets hit the GM subtracts the damage and notes down the new HP total. But there are a few things here that don’t make sense for that context:

    • A goblin with just 1 hit point

    • The column that starts with two 15s - you wouldn’t need to note down that a monster has taken 0 damage

    • Nearly all of them start between 18 - 25 hp, that’s quite a narrow, specific range.

    The numbers don’t go higher than 25 because they relate to letters and their positions in the alphabet. (1=A, 2=B … 25=Y, 26=Z)

    Turn each number into a letter like this and you will have a jumble of letters for each column, because the numbers have been put in descending order.


    Keeping the letters in their original columns, solve the anagrams to spell out:

    “Draw a line from the snail doodle to the number eighty eight.”

    The snail doodle is on page 5, encounter plans. The number 88 is on page 3, random table.

  • You should have 5 lines to draw:

    • The “tip” of the sword on page 6, Character sheet > The “Beach” next to Beachtown on page 4, Map

    • Castleport on page 4, Map > The number 49 on page 3, Random table

    • The word “obelisk” on page 8, random quotes > The square is on page 7, Stat blocks.

    • The blot on page 9, Backgrounds > The word “consider” on page 8, Random quotes.

    • The “snail doodle” on page 5, encounter plans > The number 88 on page 3, random table.

    When combined these lines make up the ritual circle “Binding”