Two Puzzles from Empire LRP (pdf)


Two puzzles (cyphers, really) which I wrote for Empire, a festival LRP run by Profound Decisions. “A Bite Deal” and “The Will of Flavia pt. 1” Includes plain text version for readability, and a Hints & Solutions page.

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Two puzzles (cyphers, really) which I wrote for Empire, a festival LRP run by Profound Decisions. “A Bite Deal” and “The Will of Flavia pt. 1” Includes plain text version for readability, and a Hints & Solutions page.

Two puzzles (cyphers, really) which I wrote for Empire, a festival LRP run by Profound Decisions. “A Bite Deal” and “The Will of Flavia pt. 1” Includes plain text version for readability, and a Hints & Solutions page.

What do I get?

  • Two cypher puzzles steeped in the setting of Empire LRP

  • A thorough hints & solutions page (or if you don’t mind a wait you can email me for something more bespoke)

How long does it take?

You may figure out the “trick” to both puzzles straight away, or you may need to come back to it a few times. I’d say about 2-3 hours, possibly spread over a few shorter sessions.

Should I print it out?

These should work just fine as pdfs, though you’re likely to want to take notes.

Do I need to have played Empire?

It would certainly help!

I believe both to be completely unsolvable without access to the Empire Wiki. It could be a really interesting exercise to approach them with only the wiki for reference, but I leave that up to you.

Help, I’m stuck!

You can get a thorough set of prompts to both puzzles here: Hints & Solutions